ペレス・プラード楽団 1/12 セレソ・ローサ ( Cerezo Rosa )
MY friends call me a worrywart.
I tend to obsess too much about things.
21003.the trick is(そのコツは~である)
The trick is to look at challenges you may face in the future.
21004.That's me to a T(それはまさに私のことだ)
That's me to a T.
That sounds rather grim.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

MY friends call me a worrywart.
I tend to obsess too much about things.
21003.the trick is(そのコツは~である)
The trick is to look at challenges you may face in the future.
21004.That's me to a T(それはまさに私のことだ)
That's me to a T.
That sounds rather grim.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News