出船 石川さゆり 1982年
21051.impersonate of(~の物まね)
That's a very good impersonate of of Santa.
21052.hands down(断然)
The Santa Contest is the hands down best show in town.
21053.take in(見物する)
You can take in a few Christmas shows, too.
21054.get~out of the way(~をかたづける)
It's a great way to get your Christmas shopping out of the way.
You have to be jolly.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

That's a very good impersonate of of Santa.
21052.hands down(断然)
The Santa Contest is the hands down best show in town.
21053.take in(見物する)
You can take in a few Christmas shows, too.
21054.get~out of the way(~をかたづける)
It's a great way to get your Christmas shopping out of the way.
You have to be jolly.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News