

Daily Vocabulary(2018/12/09)

2018年12月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
22661.easy-going(おおらかな、のんびりとした)not easily upset, annoyed, or worried
My father has an easy-going personality.
22662.moody(気分屋の、不機嫌な)annoyed or unhappy
He has been moody for the past few days.
22663.decent(見苦しくない、きちんとした)of a good enough standard or quality
He looks decent when he has shaved.
He is diligent, skillful researcher.someone who is diligent works hard and is careful and thorough
22665.energetic(精力的な、ハツラツとした)having or needing a lot of energy or determination
Our new boss is young and energetic.

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