ボロディン オペラ「イーゴリ公」より「韃靼人の踊り」
22666.mishear(…を聞き違える、聞いて誤解する)to not hear properly what someone says, so that you think they said something different
Maybe I mishear her.
22667.beyond me(まったくわからない)
Why she quit such a good job beyond me.
22668.When is good for you?(いつが都合いい?)
I can meet up for lunch any time this week. When is good for you?
22669.have a sale(お店がセールを開催中)
Gap is having a clearance sale. Everything is 40 % off.
22670.on sale(特定の商品のみセール中)
Steaks are on sale at the grocery store this week.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Maybe I mishear her.
22667.beyond me(まったくわからない)
Why she quit such a good job beyond me.
22668.When is good for you?(いつが都合いい?)
I can meet up for lunch any time this week. When is good for you?
22669.have a sale(お店がセールを開催中)
Gap is having a clearance sale. Everything is 40 % off.
22670.on sale(特定の商品のみセール中)
Steaks are on sale at the grocery store this week.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News