(DTM) ペール・ギュント 第1組曲より「アニトラの踊り」/ グリーグ
22746.Best Wishes(くさんの幸せが訪れますように、今後もよろしくお願いします;今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。;今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いいたします、お幸せに)used, especially in cards and letters, to say that you hope someone will be happy, successful, or healthy
It says, "Happy Holidays and Best Wishes!"
22747.make it(うまくやり遂げる、成功する、間に合う、都合をつける、(…と)セックスする)spoken to be able to go to an event, meeting etc that has been arranged
I’m really sorry, but I won’t be able to make it on Sunday after all.
22748.invitation(招待、勧誘、招待状、魅力、誘惑、誘発、誘い、誘因)a written or spoken request to someone, inviting them to go somewhere or do something
He turned down this invitation.
22749.cause(原因)to make something happen, especially something bad
What do you think the cause?
22750.startup(開始、起動、始動、立ち上げ、新興企業、新規事業、成金(産業))the action or process of starting or making something start
Who do you suggest can help us establish our startup?
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

It says, "Happy Holidays and Best Wishes!"
22747.make it(うまくやり遂げる、成功する、間に合う、都合をつける、(…と)セックスする)spoken to be able to go to an event, meeting etc that has been arranged
I’m really sorry, but I won’t be able to make it on Sunday after all.
22748.invitation(招待、勧誘、招待状、魅力、誘惑、誘発、誘い、誘因)a written or spoken request to someone, inviting them to go somewhere or do something
He turned down this invitation.
22749.cause(原因)to make something happen, especially something bad
What do you think the cause?
22750.startup(開始、起動、始動、立ち上げ、新興企業、新規事業、成金(産業))the action or process of starting or making something start
Who do you suggest can help us establish our startup?
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News