モーツァルト 「ディヴェルティメント」 第17番 二長調 K334 カラヤン ベルリンpo. Divertimento No.17
26951.Ph.D.(博士号)Doctor of Philosophy a university degree of a very high level, which involves doing advanced research
Where did you do your Ph.D.?
26952.master's(修士号) a master’s degree
After college, my dad got a master's in economics
26953.thesis(学位論文、卒業論文、修士論文)a long piece of writing about a particular subject that you do as part of an advanced university degree such as an MA or a PhD
I wrote my thesis on Meiji-period politics.
Where did you do your Ph.D.?
26952.master's(修士号) a master’s degree
After college, my dad got a master's in economics
26953.thesis(学位論文、卒業論文、修士論文)a long piece of writing about a particular subject that you do as part of an advanced university degree such as an MA or a PhD
I wrote my thesis on Meiji-period politics.
26954.quiz(小テスト) American English a short test that a teacher gives to a class
Listen up, everyone. There's going to be a quiz tomorrow
26955.give out(配る、力などが尽きる)out to give something to each person in a group
My teacher always gives out hints before test.
26955.give out(配る、力などが尽きる)out to give something to each person in a group
My teacher always gives out hints before test.