27066.damage(被害、損害) physical harm that is done to something or to a part of someone’s body, so that it is broken or injured damage to
We still don't know the cause of the damage?
27067.damages(損害賠償)money that a court orders someone to pay to someone else for harming them or their property, to cover the cost of the harm, rather than to punish them The citizens claimed damages of 100 million yen the company for water pollution.
27068.pronunciation(発音,発音の仕方.)the way in which a language or a particular word is pronounced
Do you know the correct pronunciation of these Gaelic names?
We still don't know the cause of the damage?
27067.damages(損害賠償)money that a court orders someone to pay to someone else for harming them or their property, to cover the cost of the harm, rather than to punish them The citizens claimed damages of 100 million yen the company for water pollution.
27068.pronunciation(発音,発音の仕方.)the way in which a language or a particular word is pronounced
Do you know the correct pronunciation of these Gaelic names?
27069.nagging(口やかましい、しつこい、やっかいな )making you worry or feel pain slightly all the time /always complaining
The fussy mother‐in‐law is endlessly nagging at her.
27070.tricky(手ぎわを要する、扱いにくい、きわどい、こうかつな、油断のならない、巧妙な )something that is tricky is difficult to deal with or do because it is complicated and full of problems/a tricky person is clever and likely to deceive you 類義語 crafty
He tackled the tricky problem in his usual experienced manner.
27070.tricky(手ぎわを要する、扱いにくい、きわどい、こうかつな、油断のならない、巧妙な )something that is tricky is difficult to deal with or do because it is complicated and full of problems/a tricky person is clever and likely to deceive you 類義語 crafty
He tackled the tricky problem in his usual experienced manner.