

Daily Vocabulary(2021/06/10)

2021年06月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
26981.biceps(上腕二頭筋)the large muscle on the front of your upper arm
Please show me your biceps flexed. 
26982.forward(転送する)to send goods, documents, money etc somewhere, often after receiving them from somewhere else
Could you forward the package to a different address?
26983.swipe(カードなどを機械に通す)to pass a special plastic card such as a credit card through a machine that can read the information it contains
Can I swipe my card now?
26984.PIN (個人識別番号)personal identification number
I can't remember the PIN for my credit card.
26985.max out(限度額に達する)out to use something such as money or supplies so that there is none left
I’ve maxed out my credit card.