27036.get psyched (気合いを入れる / 楽しみである)
This is the championship game. Let's get psyched!
This is the championship game. Let's get psyched!
27037.buy into(~に賛成する / ~を受け入れる) informal to accept that an idea is right and allow it to influence you
Everyone thinks smart watches are the next big thing but I don't buy into that.
Everyone thinks smart watches are the next big thing but I don't buy into that.
27038.all over(至る所に / あちこち)If you crack a hard part of your body, such as your knee or your head, you hurt it by accidentally hitting it hard against something.
Reviews about our new product is all over the internet.
Reviews about our new product is all over the internet.
27039.spoil(甘やかす)to give a child everything they want, or let them do whatever they want, often with the result that they behave badly
I'm an only child. Looking back, I'd say I was pretty spoiled as a child.
27040.in retrospect((過去のことを)思い返してみると/今になって思えば)thinking back to a time in the past, especially with the advantage of knowing more now than you did then
In retrospect, I should've studied harder in high school.
In retrospect, I should've studied harder in high school.