

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/11)

2022年03月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
28341.inadvertently (不注意で、うっかり)without realizing what you are doing 類義語 accidentally OPP deliberately
I inadvertently opened an infected email attachment. 
28342.Where can I find(~はどこにですか?、〜の売り場はどこですか?)
Yeah, I'm looking for a vacuum. Where can I find it? 
28343.pan out(うまくいく / 報われる / 功を奏する )to happen or develop in a particular way
If everything pans out, the new product should launch next month. 
28344.come along(順調に進む)
It's coming along. I should be done by next week. 
28345.nonchalant(むとんちゃくな、無関心な)behaving calmly and not seeming interested in anything or worried about anything
He always has a nonchalant attitude.