


2022年03月30日 | Daily Vocabulary

Japan's industry ministry has launched a trial of smart technologies to assist with child-rearing.
It hopes the so-called "Baby Tech" can help people to better balance work with raising their kids.
One of the items being tested is a smart light for baby cots.
It uses artificial intelligence to determine why a baby is crying based on one of five reasons, such as "upset," "hungry," or "sleepy."
One of those testing the device is the mother of a 7-month-old baby. She says it helps her stay calm when she has no idea why her child is upset.
The industry ministry believes the "Baby Tech" market has big potential for growth. The product trial will continue through March.

child-rearing   子育て   to look after a person or animal until they are fully grown SYN raise 
raising 育てる to look after a person or animal until they are fully grown SYN raise 
baby cot ベビーベッド    British English a small bed with high sides for a baby or young child SYN crib American English 
upset  不快  unhappy and worried because something unpleasant or disappointing has happened

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/30)

2022年03月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
28431日.throw in(おまけ)
If you buy 3 shirts, I'll throw in an extra shirt for free. 
28432.It's about time(そろそろ~をしないと)
Don't you think it's about time you got married? 
28433.It's about time to(そろそろ~をする時間です)
It's about time to go back to work. 
28434.I gotta get going (そろそろ行かないと )I have got to get going 
I gotta get going. See you tomorrow. 
28435.irrlevant(無関係で、見当違いで、重要でない、無意味な)not useful or not relating to a particular situation, and therefore not important OPP relevant
Whether you agree or disagree is frakly irrelevant