

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/24)

2022年03月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
28406.spend a fortune(〜に大金を費やす)without realizing what you are doing 類義語 accidentally OPP deliberately
I spent a fortune in Las Vegas last night. I'm scared to look at my credit card statement. 
28407.helpful(人が役に立つ)providing useful help in making a situation better or easier
Thanks for your helpful advice.
28408.a fine line between A and B” (AとBの紙一重の差)
Is he arrogant or confident? I guess there’s a fine line between the two 
28409.say what’s on one’s mind(思っていることをはっきり言う  )
It's coming along. I should be done by next week. 
28410.I'm good (結構です・大丈夫です)
I’m good. I’m going to head home. I need to get up early tomorrow