リリイ 私はないています(ベースでの弾き語り).mpg
28371.Edo period(江戸時代)
If I could go back in time, I would go back to the Edo period.
28372.You can't beat it/that(それにかなう/勝るものはない)
You can't beat that deal. You should get it.
28373.Beat it(あっちへ行け)used to tell someone to leave at once, because they are annoying you or should not be there
You're so annoying. Beat it!
If I could go back in time, I would go back to the Edo period.
28372.You can't beat it/that(それにかなう/勝るものはない)
You can't beat that deal. You should get it.
28373.Beat it(あっちへ行け)used to tell someone to leave at once, because they are annoying you or should not be there
You're so annoying. Beat it!
28374.I'm beat(すごく疲れた)
That was an intense workout! I'm beat.
28375.go to the doctor((風邪などで)医者に診てもらう)
You've been sick for about a month now. Maybe you should go see a doctor.
28375.go to the doctor((風邪などで)医者に診てもらう)
You've been sick for about a month now. Maybe you should go see a doctor.