28316.straight ahead(まっすぐ先に)
Look, there's Todaiji straight ahead.
28317.defect(欠陥)a fault or a lack of something that means that something or someone is not perfect
Are you saying that our product has a defect.
28318.stingy not generous, especially with money 類義語 mean
He is not stingy as you think.
Look, there's Todaiji straight ahead.
28317.defect(欠陥)a fault or a lack of something that means that something or someone is not perfect
Are you saying that our product has a defect.
28318.stingy not generous, especially with money 類義語 mean
He is not stingy as you think.
28319.attorney lawyer
One of an attorney's job is to draft contracts.
28320.sentence(判決)a punishment that a judge gives to someone who is guilty of a crime
The criminal received a harsh sentence.
28320.sentence(判決)a punishment that a judge gives to someone who is guilty of a crime
The criminal received a harsh sentence.