

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/27)

2022年03月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
28416.excited  happy, interested, or hopeful because something good has happened or will happen
She's excited because she passed her college entrance exam.
28417.pumped up very excited about something
I don't mind you getting pumped up but don't get carried away. 
28418.turn in (提出する)
You need to turn in that document to your supervisor. 
28419.put money aside (貯金する)
I'm putting a couple hundred dollars aside every month for a down payment on a car. 
28420.off the cuff (即席で / 即興の / ぶっつけ本番の )an off-the-cuff remark, reply etc is one that you make without thinking about it first SYN spontaneous
He made an off-the-cuff remark at the meeting.