I have the mind-set that I need to be successful.
3307.in essence(本質において、本質的に、基本的に、突き詰めると、要するに)
The head of the U.S. movie trade association, Jack Valenti, asserted Hollywood's constitutional right to free speech and told lawmakers, in essence, to back off.
3308.have second thought about(~を考え直す、再考する、思い直す]、~で二の足を踏む)
I'm beginning to have second thoughts about this.
Desicions of that caliber have to be self-generated.
In my experience,a domineering supervisor just cows the line workers.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I have the mind-set that I need to be successful.
3307.in essence(本質において、本質的に、基本的に、突き詰めると、要するに)
The head of the U.S. movie trade association, Jack Valenti, asserted Hollywood's constitutional right to free speech and told lawmakers, in essence, to back off.
3308.have second thought about(~を考え直す、再考する、思い直す]、~で二の足を踏む)
I'm beginning to have second thoughts about this.
Desicions of that caliber have to be self-generated.
In my experience,a domineering supervisor just cows the line workers.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
