His preoccupation with video games is the cause of his poor grades.
3302.umbilical cord(へその緒、臍帯{さいたい}、命綱)
Perhaps another factor is cell phones which function virtually as umbilical cords.
3303.stay in touch (連絡を絶やさない、連絡を取り合う)
It is become so much easier to stay in touch.
3304.boil down(要約する、ずばり言う)
Please boil down what you want to say to its essentials.
We will intensify our effort to sell that product.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
His preoccupation with video games is the cause of his poor grades.
3302.umbilical cord(へその緒、臍帯{さいたい}、命綱)
Perhaps another factor is cell phones which function virtually as umbilical cords.
3303.stay in touch (連絡を絶やさない、連絡を取り合う)
It is become so much easier to stay in touch.
3304.boil down(要約する、ずばり言う)
Please boil down what you want to say to its essentials.
We will intensify our effort to sell that product.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
