He is a person of integrity.
14077.work wonders(大いに助ける、改善する)
If you feel stressed, a short vacation will work wonders.
14078.eager beaver(仕事の虫、働き者、熱心な人)
He is a real eager beaver.
14079.drive a hard bargain(ビジネスの交渉において、自分の要求を強く主張し、簡単に譲歩しない)
We will accept it because you drive a hard bargain.
What is the first item on the agenda?
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


He is a person of integrity.
14077.work wonders(大いに助ける、改善する)
If you feel stressed, a short vacation will work wonders.
14078.eager beaver(仕事の虫、働き者、熱心な人)
He is a real eager beaver.
14079.drive a hard bargain(ビジネスの交渉において、自分の要求を強く主張し、簡単に譲歩しない)
We will accept it because you drive a hard bargain.
What is the first item on the agenda?
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

