Don't be greedy by taking another piece of cake.
4952.boil down to(要約すると~ということになる、詰まるところ~ということになる)
He has learned that what life boils down to is the question of a dollar.
4953.for all concerned(関係者全員にとって)
It all worked out peacefully for all concerned.
4954.cost a bundle(大金[莫大な金]がかかる)
Making god on our promise to replace every recalled will cost a bundle.
This juice is made by condensing ripe tomatoes.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Don't be greedy by taking another piece of cake.
4952.boil down to(要約すると~ということになる、詰まるところ~ということになる)
He has learned that what life boils down to is the question of a dollar.
4953.for all concerned(関係者全員にとって)
It all worked out peacefully for all concerned.
4954.cost a bundle(大金[莫大な金]がかかる)
Making god on our promise to replace every recalled will cost a bundle.
This juice is made by condensing ripe tomatoes.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
