32021.bring back the memory (懐かしい)
This song really brings back memories.
32022.put~in jeopardy (~を危うくする、~を危険にさらす)
This song really brings back memories.
32022.put~in jeopardy (~を危うくする、~を危険にさらす)
Climate change is putting the future of many traditional wine regions in jeopardy
. 32023.without further ado(前置きはこれ暮らしにして、さっそく)without delaying or wasting any time
Without further ado, I pass the baton to Lisa.
32024.be born and raised (生まれも育ちも)
She was born and raised in Yokohama. So,please join me in welcoming home Akiko!
32025.shortlist(候補者リスト)a list of the most suitable people for a job or a prize, chosen from all the people who were first considered
She was born and raised in Yokohama. So,please join me in welcoming home Akiko!
32025.shortlist(候補者リスト)a list of the most suitable people for a job or a prize, chosen from all the people who were first considered
After receiving resumes, we will examine them to shortlist the applicants.