

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/03)

2024年04月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
32091.unreliable  (いい加減な人 )unable to be trusted or depended on 
He is an unreliable person, so I can’t trust him to finish this job. 
32092.roughly (大体、おおざっぱ)not exactly 類義語 about, approximately 
Roughly speaking, I’d say we need about $500. 
32093.down to the wire (最後の最後まで )especially American English to be finished or achieved with very little time left 
Yeah, it was such an exciting game. It came down to the wire
32094.at the last second (土壇場で)
I can't believe he scored at the last second! 
32095.out of the blue (突然に) if something happens out of the blue, it is very unexpected → a bolt from/out of the blue 
Do you remember Jane? Well, she phoned me yesterday, completely out of the blue. 

