

Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/22)

2020年09月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
25986.significant other(彼氏・彼女・夫・妻・恋人・配偶者)your husband, wife, girlfriend, or boyfriend /If you refer to your significant other, you are referring to your wife, husband, or the person you are having a relationship with. 
I don't know whether I can make the party tonight. Let me talk it over with my significant other
25987.better half(妻・嫁・奥様・(彼氏・夫・恋人・配偶者)old-fashioned used humorously to mean your husband, wife, or partner /one's spouse 
I'd like you to meet my better half, Jackie.
25988.honk(警笛)a loud noise made by a car horn 
I’ll honk the horn when we get to your house. 
25989.curse(のろう、ののしる、悪態をつく、苦しめる、悩ます、破門する)to say or think bad things about someone or something because they have made you angry   
 When he drinks, he curses a lot.experience physical or mental pain 
25990.harsh(厳しい) harsh conditions are difficult to live in and very uncomfortable SYN severe 
He's getting suspended from school for dying his hair? Isn’t that kind of harsh? 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第六十六段

2020年09月22日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/21)

2020年09月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
25981.get in trouble(怒られる)to arrange for something to happen at a different time from the one that was previously planned 
I got in trouble because I was late to work today 
25982.make a mistake (間違える)
Don't worry about it. Anybody could have made a mistake like that.
25983.screw up(しくじる) informal to make a bad mistake or do something very stupid SYN mess up 
I made a terrible mistake. I really screwed up.  
25984.hands-on(実践の) doing something yourself rather than just talking about it or telling other people to do it 
I like my boss because he’s very hands-on.
25985.be stuck on (~に行き詰まる) extremely tired   
I’m stuck on a coding problem. Can you take a look at it? 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/20)

2020年09月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
25976.in the lead(リードしている)
Which runner is in the lead now?
25977.concession stand(売店)a small business that sells food, drinks, or other things at sports events, theatres etc 
It's a half time now, so I'm going to the concession stand.
25978.sparkling water(炭酸水)Sparkling mineral water is mineral water that is slightly carbonated. 
I like to have iced tea or sparkling water. 
25979.tug-of-war(綱引き) a test of strength in which two teams pull opposite ends of a rope against each other  
The dance exhibition is after the tug-of-war, and we don't wanna miss that.
25980.world record holder(世界記録保持者) the person who has achieved the fastest speed, the longest distance etc in a sport   
He's the world record holder. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年09月19日 | 読書日記
(週刊朝日 掲載)





人に愛されること 人に褒められること ひとの役に立つこと 人から必要とされること
憲法第27条 すべて国民は勤労の権利を有し、義務を負う。
6S運動 整理 整頓 清潔 清掃 しつけ 習慣 safety


Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/19)

2020年09月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
25971.fiddle with(捻り回す、弄ぶ、玩ぶ)to move part of a machine in order to make it work, without knowing exactly what you should do 
Others are checking the car navigation system, fiddle with radio.
25972.There is no shortage of(~に尽きることがない)happening soon
There is no shortage of advice online about how to avoid distracted drive
25973.divert someone's attention from(~の注意をそらす)
Distracted driving is anything that diverts your attention from driving.
25974.vow(誓う、誓約する)a serious promise 
I vowed not to drive while distracted in anyway..
25975.take one's hat off to (~に脱帽する) extremely tired 
I take my hat off to you. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/18)

2020年09月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
25966.caution to warn someone that something might be dangerous, difficult etc 
That's why A&A sent out that internal email cautioning everybody not to be distracted while driving.
25967.tragedy a very sad event, that shocks people because it involves death 
Tragedy struck the family when their two-year-old son was killed in an accident.
25968.drunk driving driving a car after having drunk too much alcohol SYN drink-driving British English 
Texting while driving is ever more dangerous than drunk driving
25969.reach for(手が出る、手を伸ばす、渡す、取ってやる )
He knocked over the flowers when he reached for the remote.
25970.distracted(そらされた、気の散った、取り乱した、狂気のような ) If you are distracted, you are not concentrating on something because you are worried or are thinking about something else. 
I didn't hear what he said;I was distracted by the TV. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/17)

2020年09月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
25961.upscale(高級)relating to people from a high social class who have a lot of money SYN upmarket British English 
They should check out upscale restaurants.
25962.accommodation especially British English (also accommodations American English) a place for someone to stay, live, or work 
The price for the holiday includes flights and accommodation.
25963.transportation American English a system or method for carrying passengers or goods from one place to another SYN transport British English 
The city needs to improve its public transportation (=buses, trains etc). 
25964.entry fee a sum of money charged to join an organization, to go into a particular place, or to take part in a competition 
The entry fee is $10 for adults and $6 for children under 14
25965.budget  the money that is available to an organization or person, or a plan of how it will be spent  
Further cuts are needed in order to keep within the budget.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年09月16日 | 爺英語

We begin in Japan, where the country's longest-serving prime minister is stepping down.
Abe Shinzo announced his intention to resign Friday, citing worsening health.
He said a chronic condition has made it difficult to fulfill his duties.
(Abe Shinzo / Japanese Prime Minister)
"As I am not in a condition where I can fulfill the mandate given by the people, I have concluded that I should not continue in this position as prime minister. I am going to step down."
Abe said he has been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis again earlier this month.
Colitis forced him to resign as prime minister 13 years ago after holding the post for one year.

He shared his regret in leaving office without being able to resolve various challenges, including the abductions of Japanese nationals by North Korean agents decades ago.
He also mentioned peace treaty negotiations with Russia and the constitutional amendment he has long pushed for.

cite ~を引き合いに出す  to mention something as an example, especially one that supports, proves, or explains an idea or situation 
mandate 選挙民から議員や政府への委託、議員や政府が選挙民から受ける負託  if a government or official has a mandate to make important decisions, they have the authority to make the decisions because they have been elected by the people to do so 
diagnose 診断する to find out what illness someone has, or what the cause of a fault is, after doing tests, examinations etc   
ulcerative colitis 潰瘍性大腸炎 
abduction 拉致 
constitutional amendment  憲法改正 
push for ~を強く要求する、~を得ようと努力する  to keep asking for something or trying to persuade people to do something, because you feel it is important or necessary 

Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/16)

2020年09月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
to continue for a longer period of time, or to make something last longer 
I regret to inform you that we will not be extending your contact
25957.accept(入学させる)happening soon
I've been accepted into an Ivy League school 
25958.keep~under one's hat(秘密にしておく)to keep something secret 
You must promise to keep it your hat. 
25959.private property(私物; 私産; 私財) property, especially land, that belongs to a private owner rather than to the public 
You must not enter this building. It's private property.
25960.trespass(侵入する、侵害する、つけ込む、迷惑をかける、違反する、罪を犯す )  to go onto someone’s private land without their permission    
She was arrested for trespassing on government property 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第六十五段

2020年09月15日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2020/09/15)

2020年09月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
25951.jack up(値上げする / 料金を引き上げる)to increase prices, sales etc by a large amount 
Airline companies always jack up their prices during holidays. 
25952.in ages(長い間)happening soon
I haven't been to the cafe in ages.
25953.believe it or not(信じようと信じまいと、まさかと思うでしょうが)You can use believe it or not to emphasize that what you have just said is surprising. 
Believe it or not, I'm not interested in being promoted
25954.buy a round of drinks(そこに入る人に一杯ずつおごる) to experience physical or mental pain 
You'll find this hard to believe, but Hiroto bought a round of drinks
25955.step down(降りる、辞める) If someone steps down or steps aside, they resign from an important job or position, often in order to let someone else take their place. 
It pains me to say this, but I really think it's time for you to step down

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News