

Daily Vocabulary(2020/10/23)

2020年10月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
26141.get the hang of(~のコツをつかむ)to learn how to do something or use something 
That's true, but you get the hang of it.
26142.run low n(~が乏しくなる)happening soon
We're running low on gas..
26143.bad connection(電話がつながりにくい)
I'm sorry, but it looks like you have a  bad connection
26144.seal(はんこ) to experience physical or mental pain 
I'd like to special personal seal.
26145.exquisite (非常に美しい、この上なくけっこうな) extremely tired   
This rosewood one is exquisite
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/10/22)

2020年10月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
26136.straightforward(分かりやすい)simple and easy to understand OPP complicated 
I thought setting up Google Home was going to be complicated but it was straightforward
26137.heavily(大きく)in large amounts, to a high degree, or with great severity SYN very 
Many of my friends were heavily affected by the coronavirus.
26138.make someone laugh(人を笑わせる)
His joke was so corny that it made us all laugh.
26139.slapstick(ドタバタ喜劇) humorous acting in which the performers fall over, throw things at each other etc  
Ken Shimura’s slapstick humor made him a household name in Japan.
26140.sum up(要約する)to give the main information in a report, speech etc in a short statement at the end SYN summarize    
Let's sum up what we’ve talked about so far. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年10月21日 | 爺英語

A group of Japan's leading scientists says the government may have trampled on a core commitment to independent academic study.
The Science Council of Japan is asking for an explanation of why Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide refused to add some of its nominees as new members.
The council provides advice to the government on new potential policies.
Half of the council's members are chosen every three years. The council makes recommendations, and the prime minister makes the final appointment.
This time, however, six of the 105 recommended candidates were rejected.
The council says it's the first time any nominee has been rejected since the current system began in 2004.
The unsuccessful candidates are all known to be critical of government policies.
They've spoken out about controversial legislation that prompted public protest, including national security legislation and an anti-terrorism law.

trample on ~を踏みにじる  to behave in a way that shows that you do not care about someone’s rights or feelings 
nominee 指名(推薦)を受ける人 someone who has been officially suggested for an important position, duty, or prize  
speak out 思うところを言う、臆することなく意見を述べる to publicly speak in protest about something, especially when protesting could be dangerous 

Daily Vocabulary(2020/10/21)

2020年10月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
26131.Trick someone into (騙して~をさせる)
I got in with student discount. I tricked him into thinking I was student. 
26132.I have mixed feelings(複雑な心境です)happening soon
She has mixed feelings about her job. She gets along with her coworkers but the pay is not that good.
26133.By all means(もちろんです / 是非とも / 是非是非)spoken used to mean ‘of course’ when politely allowing someone to do something or agreeing with a suggestion 
I was wondering if I could use your cell phone. By all means. Here you go. 
26134.Certainly (もちろんです) to experience physical or mental pain 
Can you help me take these boxes upstairs? Yeah, Certainly.
26135.bank on(〜あてにする / 〜に頼る) extremely tired   
We are banking on her to get the job done. 

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徒然草 第七十段

2020年10月20日 | 徒然草を読む


 だが、何か恨みでもあったのだろうか? 観客席から覆面女が乱入して、支柱を取り外して、元に戻して置いたという。 


Daily Vocabulary(2020/10/20)

2020年10月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
26126.study(知識を情報を得るために学習する過程)a piece of work that is done to find out more about a particular subject or problem, and usually includes a written report 
When you are living abroad, you should study less and experience more. 
26127.learn(学習や経験を通して知識や技術を身に付けた成果)to gain knowledge of a subject or skill, by experience, by studying it, or by being taught 
You can study without learning anything and learn without studying anything!
26128.It doesn't hurt to(〜しても損はない / 〜してみたら)
I know you like your English teacher but it doesn't hurt to take lessons from other teachers. 
26129.Hurt someone's feelings(人の気持ちを傷つける) 
Why did you lie to her? You really hurt her feelings.
26130.Hurt one's chance to/of(~するチャンスを駄目にする) 
That incident is going to hurt his chances of getting drafted. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/10/19)

2020年10月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
26121.I was going to(〜するつもりだった)
We were going to go to the concert but the tickets were sold out. 
26122.I was supposed to(〜をするはずだった)
I was supposed to get a haircut today but I rescheduled it to tomorrow.
26123.blow out of proportion (大げさに言って広める / 誇張する)
How did this issue get blown out of proportion? . 
26124.make a mountain out of a molehill(ささいなことを大げさに言う)to treat a problem as if it was very serious when in fact it is not 
Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. It's not that important. 
26125.Right on(よかったね)American English spoken old-fashioned used to emphasize that you agree with what someone says or does  
You found a part-time job? Right on. Congrats!  

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年10月18日 | 読書日記





Daily Vocabulary(2020/10/18)

2020年10月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
26116.pay back(お金を返す)
I will pay you back the next tine I see you
26117.so as to(~するために)in order to do something 
Your brushstrokes should be more varied so as to make you painting more interesting .
26118.required document(必要書類)
Could you prepare all the required documents in order that we may process your application as soon as possible. 
26119.organie(計画する、企画する) to manage a group of people who are doing something  
You should organize a party so as to cerate a better team spirit among your stuff.
26120.horizen(視野、水平線) the limit of your ideas, knowledge, and experience/ the line far away where the land or sea seems to meet the sky    
You should travel more in order to broaden your horizon

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年10月17日 | 読書日記

黒川 伊保子
コンピュータメーカーでAI (人工知能)開発に携わり、脳とことばの研究を始める。
また、AI分析の手法を用いて、世界初の語感分析法である「サブリミナル・インプレッション導出法」を開発し、マーケティングの世界に新境地を開拓した感性分析の第一人者。近著に『前向きに生きるなんてばかばかしい 脳科学で心のコリをほぐす本』(マガジンハウス)、『女の機嫌の直し方』(集英社インターナショナル)など多数。


なぜなら、 「一番、高いところ」に落ちるからだ。


Daily Vocabulary(2020/10/17)

2020年10月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
26111.greedy (欲張り)always wanting more food, money, power, possessions etc than you need 
That’s more than enough. Don’t be so greedy
26112.tweak(ひとひねりする / 調整する)to make small changes to a machine, vehicle, or system in order to improve the way it works 
All you need to do is tweak your study methods and you’ll notice a big difference.
26113.exploit(利用する / 悪用する) to treat someone unfairly by asking them to do things for you, but giving them very little in return – used to show disapproval 
In this day and age, you have to exploit new technology to be successful. 
26114.throw out something(~を持ち出す)
Let me throw out a question to you. What would you do if you won the lottery? .
26115.throw out a question(質問を投げかける ) extremely tired   
How about New York or Boston? I’m just throwing it out there.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/10/16)

2020年10月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
26106.root for(応援する)especially American English to support a sports team or player by shouting and cheering 
I think the whole town is rooting for you! 
26107.brushstroke(筆遣い)happening soon
Your brushstrokes should be more varied so as to make your paintings more interesting.
26108.sum up(要約する) to give the main information in a report, speech etc in a short statement at the end SYN summarize 
Could you quickly sum up your main points? 
26109.safe and sound(安全・健康で)
I got home safe and sound.
26110.peace and quiet(ゆったりと落ち着いた時間)
I can't get any peace and quiet

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News