グレープライブ 縁切寺
26101.take something to heart((アドバイスや教訓など)を肝に銘じる)
I take that to heart.
26102.versatile(用途が広い)having many different uses
To sum up, tofu is versatile, tasty, and low in calories.
26103.hand over to(引き継ぐ)
Now that you have the big picture of our operations and products, I'll hand over to Lucy for the cooking demonstration.
26104.soft silken tofu(絹ごし豆腐)soft, smooth, and shiny like silk SYN silky
It's up to you, but I recommend that you use soft silken tofu.
26105.a few words(ひと言あいさつ ) extremely tired
Next, a few words from one of our original members.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

The governor of California has issued an executive order requiring all new cars and passenger trucks sold in the state to be zero-emission by 2035.
(Gavin Newsom / California Governor)
"When we are looking to achieve our audacious goals to get to a 100 percent carbon-free economy by 2045, we can't get there unless we accelerate our efforts."
Newsom called the measure "the most impactful step" California can take to fight climate change.
The order will allow people to own gasoline cars they purchase before the ban takes effect. It will also allow sales of such cars on the used market.
European countries are already taking similar steps.
Britain plans to ban sales of new gasoline, diesel, and hybrid vehicles by 2035. France will prohibit sales of new gasoline and diesel vehicles by 2040.
Analysts say Newsom's action may provoke a backlash from President Donald Trump, who prioritizes economic growth.
◆executive order 行政命令 an action taken to prevent another action from having a harmful effect
◆audacious goals 大胆な目標
◆backlash 投票率
I'd like to register the birth of my child.
26097.certificate(証明書)an official document that states that a fact or facts are true
Could I get a copy of my tax certificate?
26098.honcho(トップの人、ボス)an important person who controls something, especially a business SYN boss
Who's the head hancho around here?.
26099.grade(採点する) to experience physical or mental pain
Ms.Lander spent her lunch hour grading homework.
26100.rate(基準に照らし合わせて評価する) extremely tired
This restaurant was rated highly in a famous guidebook..
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

26091.dune(砂丘)a hill made of sand near the sea or in the desert SYN sand dune
Sand dunes are formed wind.
26092.mirage(蜃気楼)an effect caused by hot air in a desert, which makes you think that you can see objects when they are not actually there
I thought I saw a lake, but it was just a mirage.
26093.similarly(同じように)in a similar way OPP differently
Smartphone prices are dropping. Similarly, computers are becoming cheaper and cheaper..
26094.Way to go!(よくやった、その調子) American English used to tell someone that they have done something very well or achieved something special
I You passed your driver's test. Way to go!
26095.preface(前書き) an introduction at the beginning of a book or speech
In the preface, the writer explained the background of the book.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
Your daughter is turning 20 years old this year? Time sure flies.
26087.differ from(~と異なる)
Happiness differs from person to person. .
26088.get to know someone(知り合いになる)
You should get to know your neighbors.
26089.tell (わかる)
How can you tell this bag is fake? .
26090.stay up(起きている) to not go to bed at the time you would normally go to bed
You don't have to stay up and wait for me.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
26081.underdog(負けそうな人、敗(北)者、(社会不正などの)犠牲者、敗残者 )a person, team etc that is weaker than the others, is always expected to be unsuccessful, and that is often treated badly
In this rugby match, Japan is the underdog.
26082.favorite(人気馬,本命; (競技の)優勝候補)the team, player etc that is expected to win a race or competition
He's the favorite to win the marathon.
26083.hope(期待する)a feeling of wanting something to happen or be true and believing that it is possible or likely
I really hope he does well.
26084.expect(見込みです) to experience physical or mental pain
We expect rain this afternoon.
26085.go to the finals(決勝に進出する) extremely tired
The Japanese team went to the finals.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
●長年の腰痛が「消えた」! (30代・女性)
1章 さっそく実践! たった4つの体操で、みるみる開脚、体がやわらかくなる!
2章 どうすれば、もっと効果的? 始めるときに知っておきたいこと
3章 なぜ、こんなにかんたんに“柔軟ミラクル”が起こるのか
4章 「やわらかさ」が増すと、冷えも、痛みも、体型も改善!
5章 体のしくみを知れば、「開脚効果」はもっとアップ!
6章 「赤ちゃんの姿勢」をめざして、この体操は生まれました!
7章 「こんなに変わるなんて!」感激と興奮の声、続々!
●長年の腰痛が「消えた」! (30代・女性)
1章 さっそく実践! たった4つの体操で、みるみる開脚、体がやわらかくなる!
2章 どうすれば、もっと効果的? 始めるときに知っておきたいこと
3章 なぜ、こんなにかんたんに“柔軟ミラクル”が起こるのか
4章 「やわらかさ」が増すと、冷えも、痛みも、体型も改善!
5章 体のしくみを知れば、「開脚効果」はもっとアップ!
6章 「赤ちゃんの姿勢」をめざして、この体操は生まれました!
7章 「こんなに変わるなんて!」感激と興奮の声、続々!
26076.out of line(線(規範)を越えて )to arrange for something to happen at a different time from the one that was previously planned
I was out of line.
26077.safe and sound(安全・健康で)happening soon
I got home safe and sound.
26078.on the line(線の上を歩く難しさ)if something important is on the line, there is a risk that you might lose it or something bad could happen to it
Are our jobs on the line?
26079.peace and quiet(平和と静けさ、ゆったりと落ち着いた時間 ) to experience physical or mental pain
I can't get any peace and quiet!
26080.tossed and turned (水のかれた、疲れ切った、へとへとになった) extremely tired
I tossed and turned all night!
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
26071.promise to(~すると約束する)
You have to promise to keep it. under the hat
26072.genuine(正真正銘の、本物の)something genuine really is what it seems to be 類義語 real
It's a genuine silk carpet..
26073.swear(誓う)to promise that you will do something
I swear I won't breathe a word to anyone .
26074.You have my word.(お約束します)
You have my word.
26075.If I were in your shoes(もし私が君の立場だったら) extremely tired
If I were in your shoes, I'd jump at the chance.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
26066.up there(トップに入る)
Skydiving is up there. Flying in a hot air balloon is pretty high on my bucket list too.
26067.get lost(迷子になる)If you tell someone to get lost, you are telling them in a very rude way to go away.
Even with Google Maps, I still get lost. I’m terrible with directions.
You should read this English book. It’s interesting and accessible.
26069.domestic travel (国内旅行) relating to or happening in one particular country and not involving any other countries
Do you like to travel domestically or internationally?
26070.get attention (注目を集める)
The cup of bubble costume got all attention .
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News