

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/23)

2023年01月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
29921.ginseng  (高麗ニンジン)
He succeeded in raising ginseng artificially through unremitting efforts. 
29922.garlic chive  (にら)    if a feeling is in the air, a lot of people feel it at the same time / to be going to happen very soon 
The Chinese chive has a long history in Chinese and Japanese kitchens.  
29923.pharmacist  someone whose job is to prepare medicines in a shop or hospital  
The pharmacist has made up the prescribed medicine. 
29924.one’s but off  (猛烈に〜 )
She is studying her butt off
29925.prevention (防止)when something bad is stopped from happening 
Stores spend more on crime prevention every year. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/22)

2023年01月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
29916.nebulous nan idea that is nebulous is not at all clear or exact 類義語 vague / a shape that is nebulous is unclear and has no definite edges 
I have a nebulous idea about what I want to do after I graduate college. 
29917.frankly   (雰囲気などが漂っている、空中に、漂って、広まって)  used to show that you are saying what you really think about something/honestly and directly 
Yeah, I just got the email right now. Frankly, I'm glad it got canceled. 
29918.tally up  (計算する  )a record of how much you have spent, won etc by a particular point in time 
When you get a chance, can you tally up the number of people that signed up for the event? 
29919.let go   (手放す )to stop holding something or someone/to accept that you cannot change something and stop thinking or worrying about it 
I have a hard time letting go of my past mistakes. 
29920.verbalize to express something in words 類義語 articulate 
It was difficult to verbalize his lifetime of frustrations. 


2023年01月21日 | 読書日記



栗原小巻さんが山崎さんを演じた映画も今回見直した。元からゆきさんの老婆を演じ、ベルリン国際映画祭最優秀女優賞や芸術選奨文部大臣賞などを受賞した 田中絹代さんの演技も素晴らしかった。

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/21)

2023年01月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
29911.impulsive   (衝動的な、直情的な )someone who is impulsive does things without considering the possible dangers or problems first → rash
His impulsive temperament regularly got him into trouble. 
29912.think long and hard   (じっくり考える )  
After thinking about it long and hard, I decided to move to Tokyo. 
29913.insecure (精神的に不安定/自意識過剰  )not feeling at all confident about yourself, your abilities, or your relationships with people 
He feels insecure about his pronunciation.
29914.wimp   (弱虫/肝っ玉が小さい/腰抜け )
He’s a fighter? He looks wimpy to me. 
29915.timid   (気弱な/内気な/気が弱い(小さい) )not having courage or confidence 類義語 shy OPP confident 
He has a timid look on his face. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/20)

2023年01月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
29906.I hate it when that happens  (そういうのって嫌だよね )
I hate it when that happens! That happens to me all the time too! 
29907.well-organized  arranged or ordered well 
Wow, you are so well-organized
29908.tidy / neat  ( 整然とした、整頓された、きれい好き )
I love how your desk is so neat
29909.hasty   (せっかちな人、あわてんぼう  ) done in a hurry, especially with bad results 類義語 hurried 
You are too hasty; you should learn to think before speaking. 
29910.impatient  (待てない、我慢できない ) annoyed because of delays, someone else’s mistakes etc OPP patient 
It’s freezing outside! I’m turning into an icicle

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/19)

2023年01月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
29901.self-checkout  (セルフレジ )
Have you ever used self-checkout before?
29902.reusarble (エコバッグ)  
Do you sell reusable bags?
29903.I’ve been there (私にも同じ経験があります  )
I’ve been there too so I know how you feel. You only live once. If you don’t like it, change it. 
29904.I feel you   (気持ち分かるよ  )
I feel you. I had a similar experience when I was studying abroad in L.A. 
29905.I know what you mean  (言いたいこと分かる / そうだよね )a long thin pointed piece of ice hanging from a roof or other surface 
I know what you mean. He can get a little uptight about stupid things. 


2023年01月18日 | 爺英語

Frozen food also happens to be gaining respect among Japan's dining public.
A restaurant research firm has selected frozen gourmet offerings as the “dish of the year.” This is an award given to foods that symbolize the year's social trends.
Gurunavi Research Institute announced its selection based on internet-search and questionnaire results.
The coronavirus pandemic has prompted more restaurants to freeze their dishes, usually for takeout orders.
The institute explains that many consumers now prefer to dine at home rather than going out.
It notes that many restaurants are using so-called flash-freezers to maintain the taste of their food.
Gurunavi says restaurants have been expanding the variety of their original dishes.
The institute points out that freezing is in line with environmental conservation goals. It says frozen food will likely become an even more important part of people's lives.

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/18)

2023年01月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
29896.second to none   (他に比べようもないほど素晴らしい  )to be the best 
The service at that hotel is second to none
29897.out of this world  (天下一品 )informal extremely good, enjoyable etc 
This cheese cake is out of this world
29898.supposed to  (規則による「〜をするはず  )
We are supposed to get 20 days of paid vacation a year.  
29899.supposed to (期待による「〜をするはず」 )
I was supposed to go Christmas shopping yesterday but I watched a movie instead.
29900.supposed to  (一般的に信じられている「〜するものである」 )
Learning a new language is supposed to be challenging. 

徒然草 第百八十七段

2023年01月17日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/17)

2023年01月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
29891.track down   (すぐ間近になって )to find someone or something that is difficult to find by searching or looking for information in several different places 
 I finally managed to track down the book you wanted in a shop near the station.
29892.less of   (控える )    British English spoken used to tell a child to stop doing something 
What do you want to do more of and less of to balance your life?  
29893.drain (消耗する  )
I’m an introvert, and going to social events drains my energy. 
29894.time consumer   (時間を浪費するもの  )taking a long time to do 
Inputting this data manually is time-consuming. I wish there was a more efficient way.
29895.crazy cat lady  (猫が大好きな女性 )a long thin pointed piece of ice hanging from a roof or other surface 
That crazy cat lady feeds the cats at the park every morning. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/16)

2023年01月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
29886.flop   (計画や事業が大失敗する  )to hang or fall loosely, in an uncontrolled way 
Our business did well in Japan, but it flopped in the U.S.
29887.skip  (サボる・やらない )  informal to not do something that you usually do or that you should do 類義語 miss 
I’m so sore. I’m going to skip my workout today 
29888.stay up late (徹夜する  )informal to not do something that you usually do or that you should do 類義語 miss 
When's the last time you stayed up all night
29889.wholesome  likely to make you healthy 
It was all good wholesome tasty food. 
29890.nourishing   food that is nourishing makes you strong and healthy 類義語 nutritious 
I had chosen a tasty nourishing meal which would not lie too heavily on my empty stomach.