

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/15)

2023年01月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
29881.garbage  (生ごみ、残飯、ごみ、がらくた、廃物、つまらぬもの、くだらぬ考え、不要データ  )especially American English waste material, such as paper, empty containers, and food thrown away 類義語 rubbish British English 
The man will more often take out the garbage, wash the dishes, and do other chores around the house. 
29882.trash   (くず、がらくた、(文学・芸術上の)駄作、ばか話、くだらない人間、能なし)   American English things that you throw away, such as empty bottles, used papers, food that has gone bad etc 類義語 rubbish British English
We separate and throw away trash
29883.rubbish  (ごみ、くず、がらくた、廃物、くだらないもの、イギリス英語 )food, paper etc that is no longer needed and has been thrown away 類義語 garbage, trash American English 
You are not allowed to throw away rubbish here. 
29884.litter   (捨てられて公共の場所に地面に残された紙片やその他の小さな物体  )waste paper, cans etc that people have thrown away and left on the ground in a public place 類義語 rubbish, trash, garbage 
People who drop litter can be fined in some cities.  
29885.chomp  (音をたてて噛む ) to eat something 
She is chomping away on a bar of chocolate. 


2023年01月14日 | 読書日記








Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/14)

2023年01月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
29876.hit the road  (出発する / 出かける )informal to begin a journey 
Are you ready? Let's hit the road
29877.road trip   (車で旅行 )    a long trip that you take in a car, usually with friends 
I went on a road trip with my family last weekend. 
29878.make a pit stop  ((トイレ)休憩をする / ~に立ち寄る  )American English informal to stop when driving on a long journey, for food, petrol, or to go to the toilet 
When you get a chance, can you make a pit stop at the gas station? 
29879.simmer  (とろとろ煮える、チンチン音を立てる、爆発しそうである ) to boil gently, or to cook something slowly by boiling it gently 
I cover that and let it simmer for about 15 minutes
29880.saute  (炒める)to cook something in a little hot oil or fat → fry 
First, I saute chopped onion and bell pepper with some spices

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/13)

2023年01月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
29871.slam (バタンと閉める、バタンとする、(…に)ドンと置く、急に踏む ) if a door, gate etc slams, or if someone slams it, it shuts with a loud noise 類義語 bang /to put something on or against a surface with a fast violent movement 
My teacher was so angry that he slammed his book on his desk. 
29872.travel  (飛行機、電車、車などで、特に長距離にわたって移動すること )    to go from one place to another, or to several places, especially ones that are far away  happen very soon 
Someday I’d like to travel abroad. 
29873.trip  (どこかに行ってまた戻ってくる短期間の旅)
a visit to a place that involves a journey, for pleasure or a particular purpose  
Did you enjoy your trip to Disneyland? 
29874.journey   (A地点からB地点へ長距離移動する旅行 ) especially British English an occasion when you travel from one place to another, especially over a long distance 類義語 trip American English 
We are going on a journey to a strange country. 
29875.tour  (場所や地域へ訪れること。特にその場所や地域を見回して学ぶ
a journey for pleasure, during which you visit several different towns, areas etc /a short trip through a place to see it 
Kim worked as a tour guide in Cambridge last summer. 

 guide in Cambridge last summer. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/12)

2023年01月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
29866.innards  (ホルモン )the parts inside your body, especially your stomach 類義語 guts 
WI'M not keen on innards.
29867.a bite (一口)    a small meal 
It taste great. Do you want to have a bite?
29868.housewife  a married woman who works at home doing the cooking, cleaning etc, but does not have a job outside the house 類義語 homemaker, → house husband
I'm not working. I'm a housewife.
29869.clerical job (事務職 ) relating to office work, especially work such as keeping records or accounts 
I have a clerical job
29870.talkative someone who is talkative talks a lot OPP quiet 
My mom is talkative and my dad is serious. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/11)

2023年01月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
29861.rechargeable battery  (充電池 )to put a new supply of electricity into a battery 
I am looking for a rechargeable batteries
29862.in particular  (特に)    especially 
Are you looking for anything in particular
29863.limited edition ( 限定版 )a small number of special copies of a book, picture etc which are produced at one time only 
Do you have any limited-edition coffee cups?
29864.no more than  (〜 しかいない、~に過ぎない)used to say that something is not too much, but exactly right or suitable 
There were no more than ten people present. 
29865.day-trip  (日帰り旅行)a visit to an interesting place when you go there and come back the same day
I’m having a day-trip to NIkko. 

徒然草 第百八十六段

2023年01月10日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/10)

2023年01月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
29856.Leave me alone   (ほっといて )
Look, I’m busy right now. Please, leave me alone
29857.Stop bugging me   (邪魔しないで )
Stop bugging me. I’m trying to work. 
29858.Disheartened / Bummed out  (凹む )disappointed, so that you lose hope and the determination to continue doing something 
I am really disheartened that I didn’t get accepted to Tokyo University. 
29859.I can't take it anymore   (もう我慢できない  )
I can’t take it anymore! I’m going to and talk to the HR manager.
29860.This is the last straw   (もう我慢の限界 / 堪忍袋の緒が切れる )to be the final thing in a series of annoying things that makes someone very angry 
My husband came home really drunk again last night. That's five nights in a row. That's the last straw

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/10)

2023年01月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
29851.brag   (自慢する / 自慢げに話す  )to talk too proudly about what you have done, what you own etc – used to show disapproval 類義語 boast 
I can't stand being around him. All he does is brag
29852.boast   (自慢する / 豪語する / 誇らしげに話す )   to talk too proudly about your abilities, achievements, or possessions 
Your father always boasts about you. He's very proud of you.
29853.Let's go with plan B. (代替案で進めましょう )
We have no choice but to go with plan B. Contact everyone right away. 
29854.go through the roof  (非常に高くなる / 限度を超えて上昇する  )if a price, cost etc goes through the roof, it increases to a very high level/to suddenly become very angry 
The gas prices have gone through the roof!
29855.spike in   (非常に高くなる / 限度を超えて上昇する)a sudden large increase in the number or rate of something 
Did you notice there was a sudden spike in the exchange rate? 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/08)

2023年01月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
29846.no go   (だめだ / 不可能な  )
No go. She got so mad at me for even asking. 
29847.mistake   (間違い )    something that has been done in the wrong way, or an opinion or statement that is incorrect → error 
Make sure you look over your answers. Don’t make careless mistakes
29848.by mistake  (間違えて〜をする  )if you do something by mistake, you do it without intending to 類義語 accidentally OPP deliberately, on purpose 
I did the wrong homework assignment by mistake
29849.make a mistake   (間違える  )
It’s ok to make mistakes. That’s how you grow.
29850.on the way   (〜へ行くついでに〜する )
I'll stop by your office on my way home.



2023年01月07日 | 読書日記







Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/07)

2023年01月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
29841.pick up up to lift something or someone up/ up to let someone get into your car, boat etc and take them somewhere 
Can you pick  me up from the airport?
29842.come back  to return to a particular place or person 類義語 return /to return to a place( from the point of view of someone remain there)
My mother was scared that if I left home I’d never come back
29843.go back  to return to a particular place or person 類義語 return /to return to a place( from the point of view of the person who moved away) 
I'm gonna go back my college town this weekend.
29844.turn out  to end
Our event turned out great!
29845.end up to finally be in a situation or place/to be in a particular situation, state, or place after a series of events, especially when you did not plan it 
Last night he ended up taking  a taxi home.