大原富枝<おおはらとみえ>1912年 高知県長岡の生まれ。結核のため高知市内の女学校を中退。病気療養中に文筆活動を始め「宝文館」という女性雑誌に小説を発表したことから本格的な文筆活動に専念していきます。1957年「ストマイつんぼ」で女流文学賞を受賞。そして岩下志麻主演により映画化された「婉という女」で毎日出版文化賞と野間文化賞を受賞。広く知られることになります。
「従ひて 行きとどまれば 山の上に物の音なく 月澄みわたる」<富枝>
1976年 カトリックの洗礼を受け「彼もまた神の愛でし子か」インド詩人プリヤンバダ・デーヴィーの交流を描いた「ベンガルの憂愁」など、哲学と宗教的な視点からの作風へと移行していきます。1990年 勲三等瑞宝章を受賞。そして、故郷の高知県本山町に「大原富枝文学館」が開設されます。今回は句でなく短歌をご紹介させていただきます。
「うかららを 恃まず生きて来し 吾のさびし大方の 苦にたぢろがず」<富枝>
遠藤氏は、夏季になると旧軽の庭先で執筆されることが多く、長時間熟孝される姿に感動した記憶があります。大原家では「三郎」という犬を飼っていて、大原富枝 著「三郎物語」中文庫刊でエッセイ化されています。三郎は遠藤邸へひとりで遊びにいくことが多く明るい性格の遠藤周作氏が好きだったのかもしれません。万平ホテルから始まるジョンレノンとの親交など、私にとって軽井沢は忘れ得ぬ思い出の地となっています。
「命終のまぼろしに 主よ顕ち給へ病みし一生を よろこばむため」<富枝>
"Memories of Karuizawa"
Tomie Ohara Born in Nagaoka, Kochi Prefecture in 1912. She dropped out of a girls' school in Kochi because of tuberculosis. She started writing while she was being treated for illness, and since she published a novel in a women's magazine called "Hobunkan," she will concentrate on her full-scale writing activities. She won the Women's Literature Prize for "Streptomycin" in 1957. And she won the Mainichi Publication Culture Award and the Noma Culture Award for "En toiu onna", which was made into a movie starring Shima Iwashita. She will be widely known.
"If you stay obedience, the moon will clear on the mountain without sound."
She was baptized in Catholicism in 1976 and she "is he also a child of God's love?" Her philosophical and religious perspectives, such as "Bengal's Melancholy," which depicts the interaction of the Indian poet Priyanbada Davy. I will shift to her style from. She was awarded the Order of the Sacred Treasure in 1990. Then, "Ohara Tomie Literature Museum" will be opened in her hometown of Motoyama Town, Kochi Prefecture. This time she will introduce her tanka instead of her phrase.
"I've lived without any regrets, and I'm lonely, and I'm suffering from most of the suffering."
In fact, the Ohara family is a relative. The house next to Karuizawa in Tomie Ohara is Shusaku Endo's residence. At that time, Karuizawa was filled with young writers such as Hiroyuki Agawa, Morio Kita, and Aiko Sato, and it seems that literary theory was lively exchanged. My dad is devoted to the rough sect. He seems to have discussed Mokichi Saito's Tanka with Morio Kita. In addition, personally, my mother is also in this group and she marries her father through equestrianism. By the way, my mother passed the female announcer of Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting. However, her joining was not possible due to the opposition of her grandfather who hated her daughter living alone.
Mr. Endo often writes in the garden of the old Kei car in the summer, and I remember being impressed by his long-term filial piety. The Ohara family has a dog called "Saburo", which has been published as an essay in "Saburo Monogatari" by Tomie Ohara. Saburo often goes to Endo's house by himself and may have liked Shusaku Endo, who has a bright personality. Karuizawa has become an unforgettable place for me, such as the friendship of John Lennon starting from the Mampei Hotel.
"To the illusion of the end of life, Lord, to be sick of the salary and to make him happy for the rest of his life"
Tomie Ohara. There is a graveyard in Motoyama, Kochi prefecture, which is her hometown deep in the mountains. She is 87 years old.
She is a private affair, but she develops paralysis. She will continue to utter and select, but she is not confident in continuing my writing. She is therefore irregular. Thank you for your understanding. She also presides over a "Haiku Study Group" where she can freely comment and post. She looks forward to the participation of the "575 Association". https://www.facebook.com/groups/230678158521039
Composition and text