月夜烏<つきよがらす> 月の夜に遊ぶ烏と月の夜に遊ぶ人。ふたつの意味があります。ラプソディ 狂詩曲という意。ところで、やや収束した感のあるコロナ。都内の飲食街も賑やかさを取り戻しつつあります。酔客たちの宴。秋の夜が深まります。下記サイトは小澤征爾によるジョージ・ガーシュウインの名曲「ラプソディ・インブルー」https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5w0tnbtnXY
Moonlit Night Crow <Tsukiyogarasu> A crow playing on a moonlit night and a person playing on a moonlit night. It has two meanings. By the way, the corona has a slightly converged feeling. The restaurants in Tokyo are also regaining their liveliness. Feast of drunk people. The autumn night deepens. The following site is George Garshwin's masterpiece "Rhapsody in Blue" by Seiji Ozawa. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5w0tnbtnXY