5096.reinvent the wheel (分かりきったことをやり直す)
You don't have to reinvent the wheel for this project. Just do your best.
5097.move forward(前へ進む、前進する、繰り上げる、行動を起こす)
We believe, as we move forward, that we'll be able to make a very compelling case for regime change.
5098.from scratch(最初から、ゼロから、一から)
Susie made her wedding cake from scratch.
5099.skunk works(最先端技術開発チーム)
In order to develop a new product,some companies set up skunk works outside the usual work stations or sites.
The doctor had to administer daily chores in his clinic.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

You don't have to reinvent the wheel for this project. Just do your best.
5097.move forward(前へ進む、前進する、繰り上げる、行動を起こす)
We believe, as we move forward, that we'll be able to make a very compelling case for regime change.
5098.from scratch(最初から、ゼロから、一から)
Susie made her wedding cake from scratch.
5099.skunk works(最先端技術開発チーム)
In order to develop a new product,some companies set up skunk works outside the usual work stations or sites.
The doctor had to administer daily chores in his clinic.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News