5146.dish up(料理を盛りつけて出す)
Our new chef is able to dish up remarkable meals.
5147.wild guess (当てずっぽう、見当違いの憶測)
He always makes a wild guess.
5148.off the mark (的をはずれて、見当違いで)
We all complained that weather predictions were notoriously off the mark.
You love Susie,She is real peach.
Agenda is as follows.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Our new chef is able to dish up remarkable meals.
5147.wild guess (当てずっぽう、見当違いの憶測)
He always makes a wild guess.
5148.off the mark (的をはずれて、見当違いで)
We all complained that weather predictions were notoriously off the mark.
You love Susie,She is real peach.
Agenda is as follows.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News