5346.spill the beans(秘密を漏らす)
The newspapers spilled the beans on the scandal.
5347.keep something under wraps(秘密にしておく)
The studio is keeping details of the new movie under wraps until its release in May.
5348.keep something under one's hat(秘密にしておく)
I wish you'd keep it under your hat.
5349.let the cat out of the bag(秘密を漏らす)
I'm going to storm into the police station and let the cat out of the bag.
5350.black mark(黒星、罰点、汚点、不名誉、落第点)
It was a black mark for baseball.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

The newspapers spilled the beans on the scandal.
5347.keep something under wraps(秘密にしておく)
The studio is keeping details of the new movie under wraps until its release in May.
5348.keep something under one's hat(秘密にしておく)
I wish you'd keep it under your hat.
5349.let the cat out of the bag(秘密を漏らす)
I'm going to storm into the police station and let the cat out of the bag.
5350.black mark(黒星、罰点、汚点、不名誉、落第点)
It was a black mark for baseball.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News