

Michael row, the boat ashore - The New C...

2008年09月03日 | 私の好きな歌
Michael row, the boat ashore - The New Christy Minstrels

Michael rowed the boat ashore, alleluya
Michael rowed the boat ashore, alleluya

Sister helped to trim the sails, alleluya
Sister helped to trim the sails, alleluya

Michael rowed the boat ashore, alleluya
Michael rowed the boat ashore, alleluya

The river Jordan is chilly and cold, alleluya
Chills the body but not the soul, alleluya

Michael rowed the boat ashore, alleluya
Michael rowed the boat ashore, alleluya

The river is deep and the river is wide, alleluya
Milk and honey on the other side, alleluya

Michael rowed the boat ashore, alleluya
Michael rowed the boat ashore, alleluya

Daily Vocabulary(2008/09/03)

2008年09月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
The transition was seamless.
6252.in the switch to(~への転換で)
In the switch to China,product quality could be affected.
So let's tackle our first agenda item.
6254.point person(窓口)
Would you be the point person with our new account.
Thanks for incorporate our input.
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