

Daily Vocabulary(2008/09/10)

2008年09月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
6286.an array of(ずらりと並んだ)
We are likely to get lost in the vast array of variations.
6287.in writing(文書で)
I will confirm these action steps with you in writing.
6288.as American as apple pie(とてもアメリカ的な)
Baseball is as American as apple pie.
6289.as busy as a bee (働き者のハチのようにとても[非常に・目が回るほど]忙しい)
I am as busy as a bee at this time of the year.
6290.as cool as a cucumber(とても落ち着いている)
He looked as cool as a cucumber;he was,actually,extremely nervous.
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