コニー・フランシス Connie Francis ボーイ・ハント
Kim names his youngest son as heir.
7667.tacit approval(黙認)
The pact gives Japan's tacit approval that U.S. aircraft or naval vessels carrying nuclear weapons can transit Japan.
7668.has publicly adhered to(公には~遵守してきた)
The government has publicly adhered to the "three non-nuclear principles" of not possessing or developing nuclear weapons, or allowing them on Japanese territory.
The drive is aimed at enhancing students' English communication skills.
The level of vocabulary would match the level taught in China and South Korea, ministry officials said.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
Kim names his youngest son as heir.
7667.tacit approval(黙認)
The pact gives Japan's tacit approval that U.S. aircraft or naval vessels carrying nuclear weapons can transit Japan.
7668.has publicly adhered to(公には~遵守してきた)
The government has publicly adhered to the "three non-nuclear principles" of not possessing or developing nuclear weapons, or allowing them on Japanese territory.
The drive is aimed at enhancing students' English communication skills.
The level of vocabulary would match the level taught in China and South Korea, ministry officials said.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News