

Daily Vocabulary(2010/12/20)

2010年12月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
10426.take the long view(長い目で見る)
If you take the long view, there is always a lerning curve.
10427.courteously and iktelligently(礼儀正しく知的に、マナーを守って賢く)
It comes to figurong out how to use new technology courteously and iktelligently.
10428.obstrusive and incociderate(配慮がなくて無神経な)
Right now many people are obstrusive and incociderate when they text-message.
10429.work out(~を作り上げる、計画等を立てる)
I think society will graduaally work out a sense of texting etiquette.
Suffering is not a punishmentーit is a result.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

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