vadim repin-tchaikovsky melodie
10441.come off it(偉そうにするのをやめる)
Come off it!You just started working last year.
10442.come into being(生じる、発足する、設立される)
These company rules came into being for a reason.
10443.come short of(~に達しない、~に不十分である)
We came short of our yearly goal by 10 points.
10444.come full circle(一周して元に戻る)
The fashion we see now has come full circle.
10445.come into play(効果を示す、影響力を持っている、作用し始める)
All the efforts and preparations come into play in the real world.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

四国八十八ヶ所 第五十八番作礼山仙遊寺/愛媛県今治市(2010/09/05)
Come off it!You just started working last year.
10442.come into being(生じる、発足する、設立される)
These company rules came into being for a reason.
10443.come short of(~に達しない、~に不十分である)
We came short of our yearly goal by 10 points.
10444.come full circle(一周して元に戻る)
The fashion we see now has come full circle.
10445.come into play(効果を示す、影響力を持っている、作用し始める)
All the efforts and preparations come into play in the real world.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

四国八十八ヶ所 第五十八番作礼山仙遊寺/愛媛県今治市(2010/09/05)