10471.align with(~と一致する)
Tom reports our customers'road maps don't align with Susie's production game plan.
10472.make wave(波風を立てる)
i am sorry to make wave, but we are ready to rock and roll.
10473.make up(補う)
With only a little increase in capacity, Tom could make up difference.
10474.about the size of it(ほぼ間違いない)
That is about the size of it in Japan are compulsory.
10475.think outside of the box(ふだんと違った考え方)
Let's think outside of the box.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

四国八十八ヶ所 第六十一番栴檀山香園寺/愛媛県西条市(2010/09/05)
Tom reports our customers'road maps don't align with Susie's production game plan.
10472.make wave(波風を立てる)
i am sorry to make wave, but we are ready to rock and roll.
10473.make up(補う)
With only a little increase in capacity, Tom could make up difference.
10474.about the size of it(ほぼ間違いない)
That is about the size of it in Japan are compulsory.
10475.think outside of the box(ふだんと違った考え方)
Let's think outside of the box.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

四国八十八ヶ所 第六十一番栴檀山香園寺/愛媛県西条市(2010/09/05)