Washington says it will not grant a visa to Iran's choice of ambassador to the United Nations. Earlier this week, the U.S. Congress passed legislation barring Hamid Aboutalebi's entry into the country. The lawmakers say he was involved in the hostage crisis at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran 35 years ago.
(Jay Carney / White House Press Secretary)
"We have informed the United Nations and Iran that we will not issue a visa to Mr. Aboutalebi."
Iranian officials have asked the U.S. to grant Aboutalebi a visa so that he can take up his position as Iran's new UN envoy in New York. They say he is suitable for the post, having served as ambassador to several countries, including Belgium.
Aboutalebi has denied any involvement in the embassy occupation, saying he worked only as an interpreter for U.S. hostages. The U.S. decision could negatively affect the ongoing nuclear talks between Iran and six world powers on Tehran's nuclear program..
◆United Nations 国際連合、国連
◆legislation 立法、法案、法律
◆bar 妨げる、禁止する
◆lawmaker (議会の)議員
◆take up 職・地位に)就任して仕事を始める
◆envoy 大使(ambassador)
◆deny involvement in ... への関与を否定する、~に関与したことはないと主張する
◆ongoing 現在進行中の、継続中の