


2014年05月08日 | 爺英語

The Kyoto Imperial Palace opened to the public for its annual spring showing. The palace was the official residence of emperors for more than 500 years until the late 19th century.
People were invited to enter through one of the main gates. Once inside the palace, visitors can see a display of dolls in the living quarters of former emperors.

"I'm deeply moved that I was able to step into this palace. It's such a historically significant place."

The building is open to the public through Sunday.

Kyoto Imperial Palace 京都御所 
official residence 公邸
living quarters 居住部屋

Daily Vocabulary(2014/05/08)

2014年05月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
14541.underlying concept(基本的概念)
The underlying concept is to base exersize on the kinds of activities we enjoyed as childre like throwing and catching.
14542.in a natural setting(自然環境の中で)
Urban living has reduced our ability to move effortlessly and spontaneously like we used to in a natural setting.
14543.be up to(~をやりこなせる)
Apart from climbing trees, that is.Idon't think I am quite up to.
14544.immerse(…を液体などに浸す,沈める,つける、ひたる、浸る )
It would be wonderful to immerse myself in something like that for a while.
Please let me hear your fabulous musical performance.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


岡山県総社市 正木山登山(2014/5/4)