ローレライ Die Lorelei
16316.up to the mark(水準に達して)
They won't accept products or services that aren't up to the mark quality-wise.
16317.stay on top of(~を熟知している、~に通じている)
A good CEO stasy on top of link in the supply chain.
Quality control is his or her mantra.
16319.unknown unknown(未知の未知、知らないということを知らない)
Unknown unknown.
16320.have enough on one's plate(手一杯である)
CEOs have enough on thier plate without heading down that epistemological rabbit hole.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

They won't accept products or services that aren't up to the mark quality-wise.
16317.stay on top of(~を熟知している、~に通じている)
A good CEO stasy on top of link in the supply chain.
Quality control is his or her mantra.
16319.unknown unknown(未知の未知、知らないということを知らない)
Unknown unknown.
16320.have enough on one's plate(手一杯である)
CEOs have enough on thier plate without heading down that epistemological rabbit hole.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News