

ISE-SHIMA TO HOST 2016 SUMMIT 来年は“伊勢志摩サミット”

2015年07月02日 | 爺英語

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced the location of next year's G7 summit. He said the leaders will gather in the Ise-Shima region of central Japan. He made that choice from eight candidate sites.

(Shinzo Abe / Japanese Prime Minister)
"I chose the Ise-Shima region, because it is a beautiful place where world leaders can enjoy the beautiful nature and the rich cultural heritage of Japan."

The cities of Ise and Shima are in the southeast of Mie Prefecture. They face the Pacific Ocean. The area is famous for its natural beauty and historical sites. Members of the Imperial family, as well as the prime minister and other government leaders, often visit the ancient Ise Shrine. It draws ten million visitors every year.
The Ise-Shima summit is likely to take place on the small island of Kashikojima. Local officials say it would be easy to ensure the leaders' safety there.
candidate sites  候補地
ensure  確実にする

Daily Vocabulary(2015/07/02)

2015年07月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
16621.wake up to the fact(事実に気づく)
Marketers, manufacturer and retailers are finally waking up to the fact.
16622.hold someone in thrall(人を虜にする)
The baby boom generations taste and habits have held marketers in thrall too long.
16623.wake up and smell the coffee(目を覚まして現実に目を向ける)
Marketers need to wake up smell the coffee and get on aboard this new normal.
16624.new kid on the block(新顔、新入り)
They were new kids on the block.
16625.unwarranted sense of entitlement(不当な権利意識)
Boomers were immature, selfish and unwarranted sense of entitlement.
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