


2015年07月30日 | 爺英語

A funeral service was held at a railway station in Wakayama Prefecture for the late stationmaster — a cat named Tama.
Fans placed flowers, cat food and treats on a table outside Kishi Station. Railway officials say that about 3,000 Tama fans from across Japan and even from abroad gathered for the ceremony.
Eight years ago, the calico cat was appointed stationmaster of Kishi Station, which is on a regional line operated by Wakayama Electric Railway. The popular cat attracted people from across Japan, contributing to the struggling local railway and community. Before Tama's appointment, the local Kishigawa Line was nearly bankrupt. Tama died on June 22nd at the age of 16.

(Mitsunobu Kojima / President, Wakayama Electric Railway)
"One of Tama's achievements was saving the local railway financially."

(Tourist from U.S.)
"I think she has done a wonderful thing for Japan."

"Tama did a great job as stationmaster, so I wanted to bid her a fond farewell."

The railway president appointed the cat to the post of honorable eternal stationmaster.

treat  特別なごちそう
calico cat  みけ猫
bid  述べる
fond farewell  心のこもった別れ

Daily Vocabulary(2015/07/30)

2015年07月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
16756.wiped out(完全に壊れた、疲れた)
I am wiped out from all this traveling
16757.passport control(入国審査)
There is passport control up ahead.
16758.take forever(延々とかかる、いつまでも続く)
It's going to take forever.
16759.at the last minute(直前に、土壇場で)
You put in your cowboy boots at the last minute.
That should tide us over for the first couple of days.
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