A painting by the Italian artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio will be shown to the public for the first time at an exhibition in Japan.
Caravaggio was prolific between the 16th and 17th centuries as a forerunner of Baroque painting. His realistic technique of capturing dramatic effects of light and shade had an impact on later artists. The masterpiece depicts Mary Magdalene seated and looking toward the heavens in intense light against a dark background. There have been a number of paintings with the same theme and design. Controversies continue over which is Caravaggio's original.
The one to be displayed in Japan was discovered in the possession of a European collector. Italian researcher Mina Gregori examined it in 2014 and confirmed it was painted by Caravaggio. The researcher recognized the woman's facial expressions and the detailed depiction of textiles and drapes as being typical of Caravaggio's style. She also pointed out a piece of paper attached to the back of the canvas as evidence of the painting's authenticity. Gregori says the use of colors and the brushwork are typically Caravaggio's and that his own life is reflected in the painting.
◆prolific (芸術家が)多作の、多産の
◆depicts 表現する、描く
◆intense 極めて強い
◆possession 所有物、コレクション
◆drapes (布の)ひだ、ドレープ
◆authenticity 本物であること、真筆であること
◆brushwork 筆遣い、画法