17901..all the rage(大流行)
They're all the rage now.
17902.servant leader(管理型リーダーでなく、ほかの人のニーズを優先的に考え、人材の育成に注力する奉仕型リーダー)
I've also impressed by your work style as a servant leader.
Many experts say co;oring promptes mindfulness and can help reduce stress.
17904.work off extra pounds(余分な体重を減らす)
I need to work off extra these pounds.
That dedication to excelence, that desire to excel, is our biggest strength.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

They're all the rage now.
17902.servant leader(管理型リーダーでなく、ほかの人のニーズを優先的に考え、人材の育成に注力する奉仕型リーダー)
I've also impressed by your work style as a servant leader.
Many experts say co;oring promptes mindfulness and can help reduce stress.
17904.work off extra pounds(余分な体重を減らす)
I need to work off extra these pounds.
That dedication to excelence, that desire to excel, is our biggest strength.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News