A Japanese painter is trying to revive a diminishing art form by passing on his skills to the next generation.
Eighty-two-year-old Kiyoto Maruyama recently taught young Tokyo students how to paint serene landscapes that adorn public baths, also known as sentos.
In just an hour and a half, Maruyama illustrated his skills by painting Mount Fuji on a wood board. He emphasized that perspective and color is crucial in creating a soothing and relaxing image.
His instruction seemed to have inspired his young audience.
"I want to be Mr. Maruyama's pupil and become a famous painter."
(Kiyoto Maruyama / Public bath painter)
"I'm so surprised kids tried so hard to learn how to paint. I cannot be happier."
With only three known public bath painters left in Tokyo, he hopes one of these aspiring painters carries on the tradition.
◆pass on 伝授する
◆serene のどかな
◆landscape 風景画
◆adorn 飾る、装飾する
◆perspective 遠近法
◆crucial 極めて重要な
◆soothing 心を休める、和ませる
◆inspire 刺激を与える、触発する
◆pupil 弟子
◆aspiring ~志望の
◆carry on 継承する