


2017年12月13日 | 爺英語

A Japanese painter is trying to revive a diminishing art form by passing on his skills to the next generation.
Eighty-two-year-old Kiyoto Maruyama recently taught young Tokyo students how to paint serene landscapes that adorn public baths, also known as sentos.
In just an hour and a half, Maruyama illustrated his skills by painting Mount Fuji on a wood board. He emphasized that perspective and color is crucial in creating a soothing and relaxing image.
His instruction seemed to have inspired his young audience.
"I want to be Mr. Maruyama's pupil and become a famous painter."
(Kiyoto Maruyama / Public bath painter)
"I'm so surprised kids tried so hard to learn how to paint. I cannot be happier."
With only three known public bath painters left in Tokyo, he hopes one of these aspiring painters carries on the tradition.
pass on 伝授する
serene のどかな
landscape 風景画
adorn 飾る、装飾する
perspective 遠近法
crucial 極めて重要な
soothing 心を休める、和ませる
inspire 刺激を与える、触発する
pupil 弟子
aspiring ~志望の
carry on 継承する

Daily Vocabulary(2017/12/13)

2017年12月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
20871.check something out(下見する)
The office is not that far away from here. I went and checked it out the day before yesterday.
20872.water under the bridge(過ぎてしまったこと, 取り返しのつかない過去.)
It's all water under the bridge.
20873.snap( (…を)パチンと鳴らす、パンと撃つ、パタッと閉める、(…を)パチンとする、(…を)ポキッと折る、プッツリ切る、(…を)パクリとかむ、かみつく、(…を)パクリとかみ取る、食い切る)
He snapped down the lid of the box. .
20874.I'll make it up to you(埋め合わせするね)
I'll make it up to you someday.
20875.That's not good enough.(あまり良くないと思います;あまりよくないと思います)
That's not good enough.

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