【Live!】 京都の恋 【特別完全版】 渚ゆう子
20946.take one's toll on(打撃を受ける)
The budget cuts and digital media were taking their toll on these venerable institution.
20947.reach out to(援助の手をさしのべる)
They're expanding well beyond their traditional role and reaching out more proactively to communities they serve.
The library of the future will be peer-to-peer, hands-on and community-based.
20949.go all-out to(全力を挙げて)
How academic libraries are going all-out to reinvent themselves
College libraries have become 24/7 study spave.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
The budget cuts and digital media were taking their toll on these venerable institution.
20947.reach out to(援助の手をさしのべる)
They're expanding well beyond their traditional role and reaching out more proactively to communities they serve.
The library of the future will be peer-to-peer, hands-on and community-based.
20949.go all-out to(全力を挙げて)
How academic libraries are going all-out to reinvent themselves
College libraries have become 24/7 study spave.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News