

Daily Vocabulary(2017/12/15)

2017年12月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
20881.silly(くだらない / 馬鹿げた)
You mean Japanese high-school students cannot dye their hair? That’s so silly.
20882.You are so silly!(おバカさんだな / おもしろいね)
Why are you wearing your underpants on your head? You are so silly!
20883.How do you like(〜はどうですか?)
How do you like your new job? Are you getting used to it?
20884.In the zone(完全集中 / ゾーンに入る)
Look how focused she looks. She's definitely in the zone.
20885.lock in(集中する)
It's time to lock in. Let's get this work done!

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
