

Daily Vocabulary(2020/01/02)

2020年01月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
24576.Push someone's buttons  (〜を怒らせる )informal to make someone feel strong emotions 
I really can't stand her. She's always pushing my buttons
24577.Get ahead of oneself  (慌てて結論を出す・早とちりする)
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's wait until the results come out.
24578.corny  (ダサい)too silly and repeated too often to be funny or interesting 
He’s a funny guy. His jokes are corny at times though.
24579.Who am I to (私には〜する権利がない)  
Who am I to say how she should spend her money. It’s her money.
24580.Age is just a number  (年齢なんて関係ないよ)  
Don’t let your age stop you from doing anything. Age is just a number.   

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