


2020年01月29日 | 爺英語

A statue of Japan's god of fortune has been pulled from the sea in the country's northeast, almost nine years after being swept away by the March 2011 tsunami.
On Tuesday, divers placed a net around Ebisu before hoisting him from a depth of five meters. The copper deity resurfaced relatively unscathed — save for a broken fishing rod in his right hand. He was found by construction workers last November, about 25 meters off the shore of Kesennuma in Miyagi Prefecture.
The locals have worshipped Ebisu ever since a statue was first erected on a cape in 1932. The god represents prosperity and fortune, making him especially popular with fishermen.

(Kenji Shirai / President of Fishery processing company)
"I hope the statue's return blesses us with a bountiful haul this year, just like in the old days."

Ebisu will be moved to Isuzu Shrine, where visitors can welcome his return.
sweep away  押し流す   to completely destroy something or make something disappear 
hoist 持ち上げる   to raise, lift, or pull something up, especially using ropes 
copper  銅  a soft reddish-brown metal that allows electricity and heat to pass through it easily, and is used to make electrical wires, water pipes etc. It is a chemical element: symbol Cu 
deity 神    a god or goddess 
resurface 再び水面に浮上する    to appear again after being lost or missing 
unscathed 無傷の   not injured or harmed by something 
bountiful  豊富な   if something is bountiful, there is more than enough of it 
haul 漁獲高    to pull something heavy with a continuous steady movement 


Daily Vocabulary(2020/01/29)

2020年01月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
24711.stain(しみ)accidentally make a mark on something, especially one that cannot be removed, or to be marked in this way 
Don't worry about it. It happens all the time. I'll bring a stain remover. 
24712.feel hurt(感情を害す)
Well,it's normal that you should feel hurt.
24713.insensitive not noticing, or not taking the care to notice, other people’s feelings, and not realizing when they are upset or when something that you do will upset them 
You know boys can can a bit insensitive.
24714.You'll see.(今にわかるさ)  
You'll see.
24715.How should I know?(私に分かるわけないでしょ / 知らないよ)used to say that it is not reasonable to expect that you should know something   
How should I know? Why would you even ask me that?You’re such a jerk! 

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