

"Bohemian Rhapsody" Cast Interview『ボヘミアン・ラプソディ』出演者インタビュー

2020年01月15日 | 爺英語
What are the highlights of this film?
Rami Malek:
For us, the highlights of the film are everything that happened backstage, when the camera wasn't rolling, because we developed this camaraderie, as you can tell.
And what made this film really spectacular ... you get to see songs we've heard for decades, songs that are in our DNA. You see a coming-of-age story of these four guys come together. You know, misfits, outcasts. And somehow, they uniquely find a way to revolutionize music with their songwriting. And we watch these beautiful songs come to fruition.

How did you embody your characters becoming a rock legend, rock gods in a sense?
Gwilym Lee:
Well, it just involved a lot of work. I think for me, the biggest challenge was the musical challenge. Every waking hour of the day, I'd have a guitar in my hand to just be trying to work on the next solo, the next riff, the next song.
Joe Mazzello:
I've never played anyone this famous. So, it was probably a good four or five times harder than any other job I've ever done with the amount of preparation. You know, he's English, so I have to do an English accent and a very specific one from sort of the north of England.
highlight 見どころ、最も印象的な部分  the most important, interesting, or enjoyable part of something such as a holiday, performance, or sports competition 
camaraderie 友情、仲間意識 a feeling of friendship that a group of people have, especially when they work together 
coming-of-age  成人の the point in a young person’s life, usually the age of 18 or 21, at which their society considers them to be an adult 
misfit はみ出し者、不適応者   someone who does not seem to belong in a particular group of people, and who is not accepted by that group, because they are very different from the other group members 類義語 outsider 
outcast のけ者、見放された人   someone who is not accepted by the people they live among, or who has been forced out of their home 類義語 pariah 
fruition 実を結ぶこと、実現、達成  if a plan, project etc comes to fruition, it is successfully put into action and completed, often after a long process 
accent  なまり   the way someone pronounces the words of a language, showing which country or which part of a country they come from → dialect 
specific 特有の、独特の   a specific thing, person, or group is one particular thing, person, or group OPP non-specific 


Daily Vocabulary(2020/01/15)

2020年01月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
24641.have a lot to do(やるべきことがたくさんある)
I’ve got a lot of things to do this morning. I have to take my son to baseball practice, go to the bank and go grocery shopping. 
24642.hectic(慌しい忙しさ)very busy or full of activity 
I had a hectic day today. I had to deal with customer complaints all day.
24643swamped(忙殺されている)to suddenly give someone a lot of work, problems etc to deal with 類義語 inundate 
I’m swamped with work right now. I’ll call you back later.
24644.tied up((忙しくて)手が離せない・〜に拘束されている)  
I’d love to go to lunch with you guys but I’m tied up right now.
24645.geek out(夢中になって~ついて話す)  
She is crazy about Star Wars. She’ll geek out over it for hours. 

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